System Design Concept
When using multiple Storage Servers
If multiple Storage Servers are being used, you should specify the Master Storage Server.
A typical multiple Storage Server arrangement is shown below.
Master Storage Server
Storage Server #2
Storage Server #3
Play back Video to Viewer
Play back Video to Viewer
Play back Video to Viewer
Load Camera Server information
Load Zones and Locations
Load Viewer Layouts
Save Camera Server information
Save Zones and Locations
Save Viewer Layouts
When using Viewer alone
The Viewer can be used by itself without connecting to the Storage Server. Although there
are some restrictions on functions such as recording and Event Search, Viewer-Only mode
allows to view live videos.
A master storage server is a server, which viewers connect to in the first place. Master
storage servers store information about camera servers, locations, zones and viewer
layouts, which range over multiple storage servers. Viewers extract those information from
a master storage server.
All of the Viewers within a system should use the same
Storage Server as the Master Storage Server. This makes it
possible to use the same Zones, Locations, and Viewer
Layouts in all of the Viewers.
Ensure if the Storage Server and Viewer installed to the PC is
operated with correct daytime setting regularly. We
recommend that you use NTP function to set the time for
Storage Server automatically.
Adjusting the time of Storage Server during recording may
cause problems to the recording video.
When multiple Storage Servers are operated, if the Storage
Servers other than the Master Storage Server are stopped, it
takes time to display the Configuration and Preferences
screen (approximately up to 30 seconds).