Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Using the Templates
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Table 3-15 Services > Console/Telnet Settings
Field Description
Baud Rate Enter a rate from 110 to 115,200, expressed
in bits per second.
The rate you enter is dependent on the
capability of the computer you use to open
the access point management system.
Parity From the list, select one of the following:
• None—Use this setting to use no parity
• Even—Use this setting to make the total
number of bits even.
• Odd—Use this setting to make the total
number of bits odd.
Data Bits From the list, select one of the data bit
Stop Bits From the list, select one of the stop bit
Flow Control From the list, select one of the following:
• None—Use this setting to indicate no
flow control is used.
• SW Xonn/Xoff—Use this setting to
indicate the method information is sent
between pieces of equipment to prevent
loss of data when too much information
arrives at the same time on one device.
Terminal Type From the list, select one of the following:
• teletype—Use this setting if your
terminal emulator does not support
• ANSI—Use this setting to offer graphic
features such as reverse video buttons
and underlined links.