Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Using the Templates
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Related Topic
Managing Configuration Jobs, page 3-92
Template Choices
Note Clicking Clear removes all the current entries in the window and any entries
you have made in other Template windows up until that point.
When you create or edit a configuration template, the following choices appear in
the left pane of the Templates window:
1. Template Name—See Naming the Template, page 3-3.
2. Template Categories
Note Any or all of the template categories can be completed in any order.
Express Template—See Using Express Template, page 3-3.
Association—See Setting Up Association, page 3-7.
Ethernet—See Configuring the Ethernet Port, page 3-31.
Radio—See Configuring the Radio, page 3-36.
Security—See Defining the Security Settings, page 3-51.
Services—See Configuring Services, page 3-60.
Events—See Configuring Events, page 3-79.
Custom Values—See Configuring Custom Values, page 3-85.
3. Preview—See Previewing the Template, page 3-89.
4. Finish—See Finishing the Template, page 3-89.