Appendix B Command Reference
Privilege Level 15 Commands
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Syntax Description
host Maps one IP address to a hostname.
hostname Hostname to map IP address to.
hosts Imports host files from ftp accessible host.
ipaddress IP address to map Hostname to.
password Password used to access ftp accessible host.
path Path to ftp accessible host.
ftp-host IP address of ftp accessible host.
username username use to access ftp accessible host.
Usage Guidelines
To map a single hostname to an IP address, enter the import command as follows
import host hostname ipaddress
To import host files from an external, ftp accessible server, enter the import
command as follows:
import hosts ftp-host username password path
To remove an individual IP address from a host file, use the no version of the
import command as follows:
no import host hostname ipaddress
To remove an imported host file, use the no version of the import command as
no import hosts
This command imports host files from the ftp accessible server ftpserver_1.
Ftpserver_1 has the username admin, the password pass, and the path
import hosts ftpserver_1 admin pass /ftpserver_1/hosts
This command deletes the hosts imported in the example above:
no import hosts