Chapter 5 Performing Administrative Tasks
Using Discovery and Managing Devices
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
View Discovery History and Status
The Discovery History table shows completed and scheduled discovery jobs.
Note Your login determines whether you can use this option.
Step 1 Select Administration > Discover > Discover > Discovery History. The
Discovery History table appears:
Note If the Discovery History table grows too large, you can reset the Job
History Truncation Interval parameter in Administration > System
Parameters so that the table is truncated more often. For more
information on this parameter, see Managing System Parameters,
page 5-58.
Step 2 From the Discovery State list, select the discoveries you want to view: scheduled
discoveries, discoveries that are currently running, or all discoveries. The
Discovery History table is displayed.
Step 3 To view more information about a discovery in the Discovery History table, select
the radio button and click Discovery Run Detail. This Discovery Run Details
window appears, showing the Discovery Start and End times.
Field Description
Discovery Name The job name. The scheduled discovery is called
CDPDiscovery. One-time discoveries and discoveries
initiated by device imports are called
CDPDiscovery_type_number; for example,
Recurring Whether the job is recurring.
Schedule Time The next time the job will run.