User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Chapter 5 Shared Profile Components
Downloadable IP ACLs
Note Restarting the service clears the Logged-in User report and temporarily
interrupts all Cisco Secure ACS services. This affects the Max Sessions
counter and resets it to zero.
Cisco Secure ACS re-enters the NAF with the new information, which takes effect
Deleting a Network Access Filter
Before You Begin
Before you delete a NAF you should remove its association with any NAR or
downloadable IP ACL that uses it. Otherwise, any NAR or downloadable IP ACL
that references the deleted NAF will be misconfigured and will produce an error.
To delete a NAF, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click Network Access Filtering.
The Network Access Filtering table page appears.
Step 2 Click the Name of the NAF you want to delete.
The Network Access Filtering edit page appears.
Step 3 Click Delete and then click OK to confirm.
The Network Access Filtering table page appears with the name and description
of the NAF removed from the table.
Downloadable IP ACLs
This section describes downloadable ACLs and provides detailed instructions for
configuring and managing them.