User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Chapter 6 User Group Management
Basic User Group Settings
network fails, the quota is not updated. In the case of multiple sessions, such as
with ISDN, the quota is not updated until all sessions terminate. This means that
a second channel will be accepted even if the first channel has exhausted the quota
for the user.
To set user usage quotas for a user group, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click Group Setup.
The Group Setup Select page opens.
Step 2 From the Group list, select a group, and then click Edit Settings.
The Group Settings page displays the name of the group at its top.
Step 3 To define usage quotas based on duration of sessions, follow these steps:
a. In the Usage Quotas table, select the Limit each user of this group to x
hours of online time per time unit check box.
b. Type the number of hours to which you want to limit group members in the
to x hours box.
Use decimal values to indicate minutes. For example, a value of 10.5 would
equal ten hours and 30 minutes.
Note Up to 5 characters are allowed in the to x hours box.
c. Select the period for which the quota is effective from the following:
• per Day—From 12:01 a.m. until midnight.
• per Week—From 12:01 a.m. Sunday until midnight Saturday.
• per Month—From 12:01 a.m. on the first of the month until midnight on
the last day of the month.
• Total—An ongoing count of hours, with no end.
Step 4 To define user session quotas based on number of sessions, follow these steps:
a. In the Usage Quotas table, select the Limit each user of this group to x
sessions check box.
b. Type the number of sessions to which you want to limit users in the to x
sessions box.