Chapter 8 System Configuration: Basic
Service Control
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Tip You can configure Cisco Secure ACS service logs. For more information, see
Configuring Service Logs, page 11-33.
This section contains the following topics:
• Determining the Status of Cisco Secure ACS Services, page 8-2
• Stopping, Starting, or Restarting Services, page 8-2
Determining the Status of Cisco Secure ACS Services
You can determine whether Cisco Secure ACS services are running or stopped by
accessing the Service Control page.
To determine the status of Cisco Secure ACS services, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click System Configuration.
Step 2 Click Service Control.
The status of the services appears in the CiscoSecure ACS on hostname table,
where hostname is the name of the Cisco Secure ACS.
Stopping, Starting, or Restarting Services
You can stop, start, or restart Cisco Secure ACS services as needed. This achieves
the same result as starting and stopping Cisco Secure ACS services from within
Windows Control panel. This procedure stops, starts, or restarts the Cisco Secure
ACS services except for CSAdmin, which is responsible for the HTML interface.
Note If the CSAdmin service needs to be restarted, you can do so using the Control
Panel Services applet; however, it is best to allow Cisco Secure ACS to handle the
services because there are dependencies in the order in which the services are
To stop, start, or restart Cisco Secure ACS services, follow these steps: