Related Documentation
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Table 2 describes a set of white papers about Cisco Secure ACS. All white papers
are available on Cisco.com. To view them, go to the following URL:
Table 2 Related Documentation
Document Title Description and Available Formats
Building a Scalable TACACS+
Device Management Framework
This document discusses the key benefits of and how to deploy
Cisco Secure ACS Shell Authorization Command sets, which
provide the facilities constructing a scalable network device
management system using familiar and efficient TCP/IP protocols
and utilities supported by Cisco devices.
Catalyst Switching and ACS
Deployment Guide
This document presents planning, design, and implementation
practices for deploying Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server in
support of Cisco Catalyst Switch networks. It discusses network
topology regarding AAA, user database choices, password
protocol choices, access requirements, and capabilities of
Cisco Secure ACS.
Cisco Secure ACS for Windows vs.
Cisco Secure ACS for UNIX
This bulletin compares the overall feature sets of
Cisco Secure ACS for Windows and CiscoSecure ACS for UNIX.
It also examines the advantages and disadvantages of both
platforms and discusses issues related to migrating from the
UNIX-based product to the Windows version.
Configuring LDAP This document outlines deployment concepts for
Cisco Secure ACS when authenticating users of a Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory server, and describes
how to use these concepts to configure Cisco Secure ACS.
Deploying Cisco Secure ACS for
Windows in a Cisco Aironet
This paper discusses guidelines for wireless network design and
deployment with Cisco Secure ACS.
EAP-TLS Deployment Guide for
Wireless LAN Networks
This document discusses the Extensible Authentication Protocol
Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) authentication protocol
deployment in wireless networks. It introduces the EAP-TLS
architecture and then discusses deployment issues.