2. Use the host-list CLI command to confirm that the member host has successfully reconnected to the
master host by checking that all the other XenServer hosts in the pool are visible:
xe host-list
Changing the IP address of the master XenServer host requires additional steps because each of the
member hosts uses the advertised IP address of the pool master for communication and will not know how
to contact the master when its IP address changes.
Whenever possible, use a dedicated IP address that is not likely to change for the lifetime of the pool for
pool masters.
To change the IP address of a pool master host
1. Use the pif-reconfigure-ip CLI command to set the IP address as desired. See Appendix A, Command
line interface for details on the parameters of the pif-reconfigure-ip command:
xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<pif_uuid> mode=DHCP
2. When the IP address of the pool master host is changed, all member hosts will enter into an emergency
mode when they fail to contact the master host.
3. On the master XenServer host, use the pool-recover-slaves command to force the master to contact
each of the member hosts and inform them of the new master IP address:
xe pool-recover-slaves
Management interface
When XenServer is installed on a host with multiple NICs, one NIC is selected for use as the management
interface. The management interface is used for XenCenter connections to the host and for host-to-host
To change the NIC used for the management interface
1. Use the pif-list command to determine which PIF corresponds to the NIC to be used as the
management interface. The UUID of each PIF is returned.
xe pif-list
2. Use the pif-param-list command to verify the IP addressing configuration for the PIF that will be
used for the management interface. If necessary, use the pif-reconfigure-ip command to configure
IP addressing for the PIF to be used. See Appendix A, Command line interface for more detail on the
options available for the pif-reconfigure-ip command.
xe pif-param-list uuid=<pif_uuid>
3. Use the host-management-reconfigure CLI command to change the PIF used for the management
interface. If this host is part of a resource pool, this command must be issued on the member host
xe host-management-reconfigure pif-uuid=<pif_uuid>
Putting the management interface on a VLAN network is not supported.
Disabling management access
To disable remote access to the management console entirely, use the host-management-disable CLI