Alerts generated from XenServer can also be automatically e-mailed to the resource pool administrator, in
addition to being visible from the XenCenter GUI. To configure this, specify the email address and SMTP
You can also specify the minimum value of the priority field in the message before the email will be sent:
The default priority level is 5.
Some SMTP servers only forward mails with addresses that use FQDNs. If you find that emails are not being
forwarded it may be for this reason, in which case you can set the server hostname to the FQDN so this is
used when connecting to your mail server.
Custom Fields and Tags
XenCenter supports the creation of tags and custom fields, which allows for organization and quick
searching of VMs, storage and so on. See the XenCenter online help for more information.
Custom Searches
XenCenter supports the creation of customized searches. Searches can be exported and imported, and
the results of a search can be displayed in the navigation pane. See the XenCenter online help for more
Determining throughput of physical bus adapters
For FC, SAS and iSCSI HBAs you can determine the network throughput of your PBDs using the following
To determine PBD throughput
1. List the PBDs on a host.
2. Determine which LUNs are routed over which PBDs.
3. For each PBD and SR, list the VBDs that reference VDIs on the SR.
4. For all active VBDs that are attached to VMs on the host, calculate the combined throughput.
For iSCSI and NFS storage, check your network statistics to determine if there is a throughput bottleneck
at the array, or whether the PBD is saturated.