Parameter Name Description Type
sr-uuid the storage repository that the PBD
points to
read only
device-config additional configuration information that
is provided to the SR-backend-driver of a
read only map parameter
currently-attached True if the SR is currently attached on
this host, False otherwise
read only
host-uuid UUID of the physical machine on which
the PBD is available
read only
host The host field is deprecated. Use
host_uuid instead.
read only
other-config Additional configuration information. read/write map parameter
pbd-create host-uuid=<uuid_of_host>
Create a new PBD on a XenServer host. The read-only device-config parameter can only be set on
To add a mapping of 'path' -> '/tmp', the command line should contain the argument device-
For a full list of supported device-config key/value pairs on each SR type see Storage.
pbd-destroy uuid=<uuid_of_pbd>
Destroy the specified PBD.
pbd-plug uuid=<uuid_of_pbd>
Attempts to plug in the PBD to the XenServer host. If this succeeds, the referenced SR (and the VDIs
contained within) should then become visible to the XenServer host.
pbd-unplug uuid=<uuid_of_pbd>
Attempt to unplug the PBD from the XenServer host.
PIF commands
Commands for working with PIFs (objects representing the physical network interfaces).