<class>-param-get uuid=<uuid> param-name=<parameter> [param-key=<key>]
Returns the value of a particular parameter. If the parameter is a map, specifying the param-key will get
the value associated with that key in the map. If param-key is not specified, or if the parameter is a set,
it will return a string representation of the set or map.
<class>-param-set uuid=<uuid> param=<value>...
Sets the value of one or more parameters.
<class>-param-add uuid=<uuid> param-name=<parameter> [<key>=<value>...] [param-key=<key>]
Adds to either a map or a set parameter. If the parameter is a map, add key/value pairs using the
<key>=<value> syntax. If the parameter is a set, add keys with the <param-key>=<key> syntax.
<class>-param-remove uuid=<uuid> param-name=<parameter> param-key=<key>
Removes either a key/value pair from a map, or a key from a set.
<class>-param-clear uuid=<uuid> param-name=<parameter>
Completely clears a set or a map.
Low-level list commands
The <class>-list command lists the objects of type <class>. By default it will list all objects, printing a subset
of the parameters. This behavior can be modified in two ways: it can filter the objects so that it only outputs
a subset, and the parameters that are printed can be modified.
To change the parameters that are printed, the argument params should be specified as a comma-separated
list of the required parameters. For example:
xe vm-list params=name-label,other-config
Alternatively, to list all of the parameters, use the syntax:
xe vm-list params=all
Note that some parameters that are expensive to calculate will not be shown by the list command. These
parameters will be shown as, for example:
allowed-VBD-devices (SRO): <expensive field>
To obtain these fields, use either the command <class>-param-list or <class>-param-get
To filter the list, the CLI will match parameter values with those specified on the command-line, only printing
objects that match all of the specified constraints. For example:
xe vm-list HVM-boot-policy="BIOS order" power-state=halted
This command will only list those VMs for which both the field power-state has the value halted, and for
which the field HVM-boot-policy has the value BIOS order.
It is also possible to filter the list based on the value of keys in maps, or on the existence of values in a set.
The syntax for the first of these is map-name:key=value, and the second is set-name:contains=value