166 Tennis Operations
Matches Won +1
LCD Display Action
Matches won +1
Top nn
Nn = current matches won
Press <MATCHES WON +1> to increment the
matches won for the current team.
Games Won
LCD Display Action
Press <GAMES WON +1> to increment the
number of games won in the current set for the
respective player.
The <POINT> key increments the point value for the respective player. If Tie Break scoring
mode is selected, the points will increment by 1. Otherwise, the points will increment as 15,
30, 40 AD or GM. The current point values will be shown on the LCD.
The advantage key sets an advantage score for the chosen player. The score digits for this
player will display AD. The opposite player score will display dashes (- -).
Note: The <ADVANTAGE> key is disabled when Tie Break scoring mode is selected.
The <DEUCE> key sets both scores to 40.
Note: The <DEUCE> key is disabled when Tie Break scoring mode is selected.
Tie Break
The <TIE BREAK> key sets the mode of scoring to Tie Break mode. In Tie Break scoring
mode, points for each player are incremented by one when the <POINTS> key is pressed.
Note 1: Tie Break scoring mode may only be selected when both player point values are 0.
Note 2: To change scoring mode back to normal, use the reset game score key (please refer to
the table on the following page).