Segment Timer 43
Copy Range
This key sets a range of segments to a specific value.
LCD Display Action
COPY: nn:nn*
SEG xx to yy
nn:nn = segment value to be
xx = starting segment value
yy = ending segment value
Press <COPY RANGE> and enter the time
desired. Press <ENTER> to move to the next field.
The asterisk denotes which field is currently being
edited. When the last segment in the copy range is
set the menu will be exited.
Once completed, all segments from xx to yy
(inclusive) will be set to the value specified by
Auto Stop
This key is the auto stop function of the console.
Note: To set the console to stop after the last segment in the series is completed, the auto stop
at each segment setting must be set to NO.
LCD Display Action
*= current setting
* = current setting
Press <AUTO STOP>to enter this menu. Press
<YES> to set the console to stop after each
segment is completed. Press <START> to proceed
with the next segment.
Press <NO> to set the console to automatically
begin the next segment when each segment is
completed. The console will prompt for the auto
stop at last segment setting.
Press <YES> to set the console to stop when the
last segment has been completed. Press <NO> to
set the console to start over at the first segment
when the last segment is completed
Reset to First
Press <
RESET TO FIRST> to reset the segment number to the segment set as the first
segment. Refer to Subsection First Segment.
Note: The reset to first function is disabled while the clock is running.
Reset Current Segment
Press <
RESET CURRENT SEGMENT> to reset the segment time to the value specified by the
current segment. The segment number will remain at the current value.