190 Volleyball Operations
13.1 Volleyball Keys
Time Out On/Off
<TIME OUT ON/OFF> stops and starts the time out clock. The length of both the full and
partial time outs can also be changed when the time out clock is stopped.
LCD Display Action
mm:ss = minutes, seconds
Press <TIME OUT ON/OFF> to display the
configured time for full time out length.
To accept the full time out length press <YES>.
To decline the selection of the full time out length
press <NO>.
To change the full time out length, enter the new
length in minutes and seconds on the number pad
and press <ENTER>.
Press <CLEAR> twice to clear changes and return to
the game.
Notes: Only the time outs configured in the
EDIT SETTINGS function are displayed on the
LCD and available for selection.
The up and down arrow keys can also be used to
select the full and partial time outs.
Time Out
The home and guest <TIME OUT> keys are used to decrement the number of time outs
remaining and start the time out clock. The scoreboard indicator is turned on when the type
of time out is selected (full or partial). The scoreboard indicator is turned off when the time
out clock expires or is stopped.
Note 1: Only the types (full or partial) of time outs that were configured in the EDIT
SETTINGS function are displayed on the LCD and available for selection.
Note 2: The up and down arrow keys can also be used to select the full and partial time outs
(please refer to the table on the following page).