334 Quick Reference
• The <TIME OUT ON/OFF> selects a full (1
press) or partial (2
press) time out and starts the
time out clock.
• The time out clock may be displayed on the main scoreboard using the Time Outs Show on
Main setting in the Menu under Edit Settings.
• <POSS> turns the possession indicators on or off for the respective team.
• If the setting of Ball On Auto Calculate is yes, the console will prompt for the play direction to
calculate down and yards to go values. Press 1 or 3 to indicate the new play direction.
Play Clock Time
• <SET PLAY CLOCK> changes the current value of the play clock timer. Pressing <SET PLAY
CLOCK> a second or third time allows the reset values of the play clock timer to be edited.
Team Statistics
• <YARDS RUSHING> and <YARDS PASSING> edit their respective team total.
• <FIRST DOWNS+1> increments the number of first downs for the respective team.
Edit Key Function
• Press <EDIT> followed by any of the following keys to edit the respective value
<SCORE+1>, <SCORE-1>, <SCORE+2>, <SCORE+3>, <SCORE+6>,