Management Utility (FMU)
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oduct Registration form located on Data-
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Style Conventions
Formatting conventions are used throughout this document to provide a con-
sistent method for representing various screenshots, buttons, notes, and cau-
tions while you are working with the FMU manual.
Manual Formatting Conventions
Keyboard Keys. When keyboard keys are Linked with a plus sign (for
SHIFT+ENTER, or Ctrl+C), hold down the first key while pressing the
second key once.
Keystrokes. Filenames, paths, field selections from a pull-down list, and
data or keystrokes entered by the user are shown in this
Windows Controls. Windows controls including command bar
sequences, prompts, dialog boxes, fields, pull-down lists, checkboxes and
radio-buttons are printed in this
bold typeface.
Input characters are usually given in lowercase (no capital letters); you may
enter them in lowercase, uppercase, or a combination unless otherwise speci-
fied. When input characters are given in uppercase or a combination of lower-
case and uppercase, enter the characters exactly as shown.
Cautions indicate an action where there is a possibility of damage to data integrity or
data failure. Cautions always have the Caution icon to the left.
Notes provide additional information on a topic, including technical details,
exceptions to instructions and other pertinent information. Notes have the notepad
icon to the left.