Terminal to FMU Server Communications
52 Falcon
Management Utility (FMU)
RF Connection
For RF units, terminal(s) need to have existing communication to a wireless
network. See the PRG for your terminal for complete information.
Enabling Terminals for RF Connectivity
Each terminal that you want to connect to FMU must be enabled for FMU.
This only needs to be done once for each terminal upon initial installation.
To enable a terminal for FMU:
1. On the terminal you want to set up:
Go to Start > Programs > Falcon Management > FMUinit.
Windows Mobile:
Tap > Settings > System > Falcon Config.
2. Select Enable FMU Client.
3. Select Network for the
Connection field.
4. Choose the Discovery method by selecting Manual or DHCP in the
Discovery field.
•Select Manual to specify the FMU Server manually (see
Figure 24A).
•Select DHCP to allow the FMU Server settings to be obtained
automatically using DHCP Discovery (see Figure 24B). Refer to
Appendix B on page 61 for information on configuring your
network to support DHCP Discovery.
5. Enter the server name or IP address in the
IP Address field.