64 Falcon
Management Utility (FMU)
RF Connectivity
Use the RF Connectivity Troubleshooting Flowchart when experiencing prob-
lems connecting a Datalogic terminal to a host. If you have questions, please
call Datalogic Mobile Technical Support.
Figure 27. RF Connectivity Troubleshooting Flowchart
Does the terminal
respond to a PING
command from
a PC?
Does the terminal
asso ciate wit h the AP
displ a y an error du ring the
boot pro c e ss?
Gather fac t s :
Terminal type
AP & RF card brand (en s u r e latest version of firmwa re installe d)
Hos t type
Software type
Software version (en s u r e la test versi on is installed)
Freq uen cy an d duratio n of issue
Can you pi ng the
host from a P C on same
sub net
Can you pi ng the
terminal from the AP
Potential Problems :
S e cu rit y I ssu e – Che c k
SSID, WEP, LEAP s e ttings
Ran ge Issue
Potential Problems :
IP Address Issue
Check security settings
Potential Problems :
Ho st unavaila ble
Potential Problems :
IP addre ss i s sue (dupli c at e address on terminal ). Turn off the terminal and
attempt PING again
Run t r a c ert comman d to determin e loca tion of brea kd own of connectivity.
RF conne ctivity
obtaine d. See your
s o ftware manual for
further info rm ation or
c ontac t Datalogic Mobile
Does the terminal
connect to the host
Does the terminal
Potential Problems
Ping terminal from
host or use tracert to
determi ne the location
of the breakdown in
(For more information on the Ping command, go to the command prompt on the PC and type PING. For more information on the
trace route command, go to the command prompt on the PC and type tracert.)
Contact Tech Support.