78 Falcon
Management Utility (FMU)
A registry key on a Windows CE device that a desktop computer uses to identify the
device when it is connected. The key defines values for synchronization, file conversions,
and backup and restore information, which enable multiple Windows CE devices to con-
nect to the same desktop computer. A device partnership is created the first time you con-
nect a Windows CE device to a host PC.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, used to automate the configuration of computers
that use TCP/IP.
DNS Server Domain Name Server (aka Domain Name Service) is a server that resolves IP addresses
from host names.
Falcon Config Falcon Config is a control panel on Windows Mobile that encapsulates FMU, and can
optionally also contain FDU.
Falcon Desktop
Utility (FDU)
Desktop Utility (FDU) allows Datalogic Windows
administrators to configure
Falcon Windows
CE terminals to control individual user access.
Utility (FMU)
A Datalogic Windows-based management application for managing the configuration set-
tings and updating the operating system and applications automatically from a server
using the wireless network system on the terminal.
Part of Datalogic
’s Falcon Management Utility (FMU) application for the terminal that
updates the operating system and applications automatically from a server using the
wireless network system.
Firmware Image Operating System files for the PDT.
FMU Console The administrative component of the FMU application, installed on the Workstation.
FMU Server FMU Component that performs terminal updates.
Gateway System (bridge) for exchanging information across networks.
Group A group of terminals associated with a specific function, i.e. picking, receiving, etc.
Invalid Characters Characters that cannot be entered into a field in FMU. Identified invalid characters are
IrDA A communications protocol using an Infrared device to communicate with the Host PC.
ISBN International Standard Book Number. A unique number assigned to each book to allow
ease of ordering from any source: local bookstore, online book dealers, or directly from
the publisher. The ISBN number is usually printed on the back cover of a book, near the
bar code but can also appear within the book.