Setting Description
assigned when a new server is inserted in the
Set iDRAC Root Password on Server Insertion Select the option to change iDRAC root
password to match the value provided in the
iDRAC Root Password field, when a server is
iDRAC Root Password When the Set iDRAC Root Password on Server
Insertion and QuickDeploy Enabled options are
selected, this password value is assigned to a
server's iDRAC root user password when the
server is inserted into a chassis. The password
can have 1 to 20 printable (including white
spaces) characters.
Confirm iDRAC Root Password Allows you to retype the password provided in
the Password field.
Enable iDRAC LAN Enables or disables the iDRAC LAN channel. By
default, this option is cleared.
Enable iDRAC IPv4 Enables or disables IPv4 on iDRAC. By default,
this option is selected.
Enable iDRAC IPMI over LAN Enables or disables the IPMI over LAN channel
for each iDRAC present in the chassis. By default,
this option is selected.
Enable iDRAC IPv4 DHCP Enables or disables DHCP for each iDRAC
present in the chassis. If this option is enabled,
the fields QuickDeploy IP, QuickDeploy Subnet
Mask, and QuickDeploy Gateway are disabled,
and cannot be modified since DHCP is used to
automatically assign these settings for each
iDRAC. To select this option, you must select the
Enable iDRAC IPv4 option. Quick Deploy IP
address is provided with two options — 2 and 4.
Starting iDRAC IPv4 Address (Slot 1) Specifies the static IP address of iDRAC in the
server, in slot 1 of the enclosure. The IP address
of each subsequent iDRAC is incremented by 1
for each slot from slot 1's static IP address. In the
case where the IP address plus the slot number
is greater than the subnet mask, an error
message is displayed.
NOTE: The subnet mask and the gateway
are not incremented such as the IP address.