traps destined to management stations. The community string on the Chassis Overview →
Network → Services page is the community string that management stations use to query the
SNMP daemon on CMC.
• Under Enabled , select the option corresponding to the destination IP to enable the IP address to
receive the traps. You can specify up to four IP addresses.
3. Click Apply to save the settings.
4. To test whether the IP address is receiving the SNMP traps, click Send in the Test SNMP Trap
The IP alert destinations are configured.
Configuring SNMP Trap Alert Destinations Using RACADM
To configure IP alert destination using RACADM:
1. Open a serial/Telnet/SSH text console to CMC and log in.
NOTE: Only one filter mask may be set for both SNMP and email alerting. If you have already
selected the filter mask, do not perform task 2, and go to step 3.
2. Enable alert generation:
racadm config -g cfgAlerting -o cfgAlertingEnable 1
3. Specify the events filters by running the racadm eventfilters set command.
a. To clear all the available alert settings, run the following command: racadm eventfilters
set -c cmc.alert.all -n none
b. Configure using severity as a parameter. For example, all informational events in storage category
are assigned poweroff as action, and email and SNMP as notifications:
racadm eventfilters
set -c cmc.alert.storage.info -n email,snmp
c. Configure using subcategory as a parameter. For example, all configurations under the licensing
subcategory in the audit category are assigned poweroff as action and all notifications are
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.audit.lic -n all
d. Configure using subcategory and severity as parameters. For example, all Information events
under the licensing subcategory in the audit category are assigned poweroff as action and all
notifications are disabled:
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.audit.lic.info -n
4. Enable traps alerts:
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsEnable 1 -i <index>
where <index> is a value between 1–4. CMC uses the index number to distinguish up to four
configurable destinations for traps alerts. Destinations may be specified as appropriately formatted
numeric addresses (IPv6 or IPv4), or Fully-Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs).
5. Specify a destination IP address to receive the traps alert:
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsAlertDestIPAddr <IP address> -i <index>
where <IP address> is a valid destination, and <index> is the index value specified in step 4.
6. Specify the community name:
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsCommunityName <community name> -i
where <community name> is the SNMP community to which the chassis belongs, and <index> is
the index value specified in steps 4 and 5.
You can configure up to four destinations to receive traps alerts. To add more destinations, do the
tasks in steps 2–6.