Table 26. Status Messages Returned by the featurecard -s Command
Status Message Actions
No feature card inserted.
Check CMC to verify that the SD card was properly
inserted. In a redundant CMC configuration, ensure
that the CMC with the SD feature card installed is
the active CMC and not the standby CMC.
The feature card inserted is valid and
contains the following feature(s)
FlexAddress: bound.
No action required.
The feature card inserted is valid and
contains the following feature(s)
FlexAddress: bound to another chassis,
svctag=ABC1234, SD card SN =
Remove the SD card; locate and install the SD card
for the current chassis.
The feature card inserted is valid and
contains the following feature(s)
FlexAddress: not bound.
The feature card can be moved to another chassis
or can be reactivated on the current chassis. To
reactivate on the current chassis, enter racadm
racreset until the CMC module with the feature
card installed becomes active.
Use the following RACADM command to display all activated features on the chassis:
racadm feature -s
The command returns the following status message:
Feature Name = FlexAddress
Date/time Activated = 05 Oct 2013 - 11:50:49
Feature installed from SD-card serial number = CN0H871T1374036T00MXA00
Feature Name = FlexAddressPlus
Date/time Activated = 05 Oct 2013 - 11:50:49
Feature installed from SD-card serial number = CN0H871T1374036T00MXA00
Feature Name = ExtendedStorage
Current Status = redundant, active
Date/time Activated = 05 Oct 2013 - 11:50:58
Feature installed from SD-card serial number = CN0H871T1374036T00MXA00
If there are no active features on the chassis, the command returns a message:
racadm feature -s
No features active on the chassis
Dell Feature Cards may contain more than one feature. After any feature included on a Dell Feature Card
has been activated on a chassis, any other features that may be included on that Dell Feature Card
cannot be activated on a different chassis. In this case, the racadm feature -s command displays the
following message for the affected features:
ERROR: One or more features on the SD card are active on another chassis
For more information about the feature and featurecard commands, see the Chassis Management
Controller for PowerEdge VRTX RACADM Command Line Reference Guide available at the support site.