NOTE: To skip the CMC configuration navigate to the ‘X’ icon and then press the center button.
3. If you are asked to select an appropriate network speed, select a network speed (Auto (1Gb), 10Mb,
or 100Mb) using appropriate buttons.
For effective network throughput, the network speed setting must match your network
configuration. Setting the network speed lower than the speed of your network configuration
increases bandwidth consumption and slows down the network communication. Determine
whether or not your network supports the above network speeds and set it accordingly. If the
network configuration does not match any of these values, it is recommended to select the Auto (1
Gb) option, or refer to your network equipment manufacturer's user documentation.
4. Perform one of the following tasks:
• Select Auto (1Gb), by pressing the center button, and then pressing the center button again. The
Protocol panel is displayed. Go to step 6.
• Select 10Mb, or 100Mb. The Duplex panel
is displayed. Go to step 5.
Else, if you
5. On the Duplex panel, to select the duplex mode (Full or Half) that matches the network
environment, press the center button, and then press the center button. The Protocol panel is
NOTE: The network speed and duplex mode settings are not available if Auto Negotiation is
set to On, or if 1000MB (1Gbps) is selected. If auto negotiation is turned on for one device but
not the other, the device that is using auto negotiation can determine the network speed of the
other device, but not the duplex mode. In this case, half duplex is selected as the duplex mode
during auto negotiation. Such a duplex mismatch results in a slow network connection.
6. On the Protocol panel, select an Internet Protocol (IPv4 Only, IPv6 Only, or Both) that you want to
use for CMC, press the center button, and then press the center button.
• If you select IPv4 or Both, select DHCP or Static mode. Go to step 8.
• Else, if you select IPv6, the Configure iDRAC panel is displayed. Go to step 11 later in this
8. On the Mode panel, select the mode in which the CMC must obtain the NIC IP addresses. If you
select DHCP, CMC retrieves IP configuration (IP address, mask, and gateway) automatically from a
DHCP server on your network. CMC is assigned a unique IP address that is allotted on your network.
If you select DHCP, press the center button, and then press the center again. The Configure iDRAC
panel is displayed. Go to step 11 later in this procedure.
9. If you select Static, enter the IP address, gateway, and subnet mask by following the instructions on
the LCD panel.
The IP information that you entered is displayed. Press the center button, and then press the center
button again. The CMC Configuration screen lists the Static IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway
settings you entered. Check the settings for accuracy. To correct a setting, press appropriate
buttons. Press the center button, and then press the center button. The Register DNS? panel is
10. To register select the check icon and press the center button. Set the DNS IP address, select the
check icon, and then press the center button. If DNS registration is not required, then select the ‘X’
icon and press the center button.
11. Indicate whether or not you want to configure iDRAC:
• No: Select the ‘X’ icon then press the center button. Go to step 17 later in this procedure.