Data Replication Using SnapMirror16-13
After you disable data replication, you can resume it at any time. When data replica-
tion resumes, the filer copies the data from the source volume to the mirror that has
changed since the last update.
In addition to the requirements described in Prerequisites on page 10, you must
meet these requirements before you can resume data replication:
The mirror must have snapmirrored status. If you converted the mirror to a regu-
lar volume, the filer cannot resume data replicating on the regular volume. If you
want to use the regular volume as a mirror again, follow the procedure in Repli-
cating a Volume so that the filer can create a baseline version of the mirror. Do
not try to assign the snapmirrored status to the volume, because you cannot set
volume option to On.
If the mirror never lost the snapmirrored status but you took the mirror off-line,
you must put it back on-line.
To resume data replication for the entire filer, enter the
vol snapmirror on
mand on the destination filer to enable SnapMirror.
Result: The filer reads the
file to determine whether it needs to
create a baseline version of a mirror or to update a mirror.
You can stop data replication for a particular volume if you decide that there is no need
to update the mirror. For example, you might want to change the mirror to a regular
You can disable data replication at any time, even when data transfer is underway. The
destination volume remains the same as before the transfer. The snapshot taken in
the source volume for the data transfer remains, but is deleted and replaced by a new
snapshot the next time the mirror is updated.