A-78 Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N System Administrator and Command Reference Guide
reboot - stop and then restart the filer
reboot [ -d ] [ -t
reboot halts the filer and then restarts it. reboot is commonly used to allow
modified configuration files to take effect or to run a newly installed version of
Data ONTAP 5.3.
NFS clients can maintain use of a file over a halt or reboot (although experienc-
ing a failure to respond during that time), but CIFS clients cannot do so safely.
Therefore CIFS clients should -if possible- be warned to close their open files. If
you did not use the -t option to specify a maximum delay
there are CIFS cli-
ents with open files, the reboot command displays the number of CIFS users
and the number of open CIFS files. Then it prompts you for the number of min-
utes to delay. CIFS files that are still open at the time the filer halts will lose
writes that had been cached but not written.
reboot logs a message in the /etc/messages file (see messages) file to indicate
that the filer was rebooted on purpose.
-d Dump system core before rebooting.
Reboots after the indicated number of minutes, or after all CIFS
files that were open have been closed, whichever is sooner.
download, halt, savecore, setup