Command Reference A-75
quota - control filer disk quotas
quota [ on | off | resize ] [
quota report [
quota qtree [
A quota limits the amount of disk space and the number of files that a particular
user or group can consume. A quota can also restrict the total space and files
used in a qtree, or the usage of users and groups within a qtree. A request that
would cause a user or group to exceed an applicable quota fails with a disk
quota exceeded error. A request that would cause the number of blocks or files
in a qtree to exceed the qtrees limit fails with an out of disk space error.
User and group quotas do not apply to the root user; tree quotas, however, do
apply even to root.
The quota command controls quotas, and the /etc/quotas file describes the quo-
tas to impose. All quotas are established on a per-volume basis. For further
information on the format of the /etc/quotas file, refer to the quotas man page.
With no arguments, the quota command indicates whether quotas are on or off
in each volume. The following list describes how to use the various quota
quota on
activates quotas in the specified volume based on the contents
of /etc/quotas. The volume name may be omitted if the sys-
tem has only one volume. Changing /etc/quotas has no effect
until the next time quota on or quota resize is executed. The
filer remembers whether quotas are on or off even after a
reboot, so quota on should
be added to /etc/rc. When
quotas are first turned on, the filer scans the file system to
determine current file and space usage for each user and group
with a quota. This may take several minutes during which quo-
tas are not in effect, although the file system is still accessible.
Executing quota with no arguments during this period indi-
cates that quotas are initializing and reports how much of the
initialization process has completed.
quota off
turns quotas off on the specified volume. The volume name
may be omitted if the system has only one volume.
quota resize
adjusts currently active quotas in the specified volume to
reflect changes in the /etc/quotas file. For instance, if you edit