Command Reference A-27
disk_fw_update - update disk firmware
disk_fw_update [
Use the disk_fw_update command to update out-of-date firmware on all disks
or a specified disk on a filer. Each filer is shipped with a /etc/disk_fw directory
that contains the latest firmware revisions. This command makes disks inaccessi-
ble for up to 2 minutes, so network sessions using the filer should be closed
down before running it. This is particularly true for CIFS sessions, which will nor-
mally be terminated while this command executes.
Warning messages for disks being updated should be ignored while this com-
mand executes.
In the /etc/disk_fw directory, the firmware file name is in the form of
. For example, if the firmware file is for Seagate disks
with product ID ST118202FC and the firmware revision is FD9E, the file name is
ST118202FC.FD9E.LOD. The
in the file name is the number against
which the filer compares each disks existing firmware revision. In this example, if
the filer has disks with firmware revision F307, the file /etc/disk_fw/
ST118202FC.FD9E.LOD, assuming it exists, will be downloaded to all the disks
when you execute this command.
To download the firmware to all disks, enter disk_fw_update without any argu-
ments. To download the firmware to a particular disk, specify the disk name in
the command, which is in the form of
. For example, if
the disk ID is 1 and the disk is on adapter 8, enter the following command:
disk_fw_update 8.1
To determine disk firmware revisions, enter the sysconfig -v command. The fol-
lowing example is partial output from the sysconfig -v command. In this
example, the firmware revision for the disk is FD9E.
slot 8: FC adapter: isp2100 (chip rev. 3)
Firmware rev: 1.14.19
Host Loop Id: 119
FC Node Name: 2:000:00e08b:00a002
Cacheline size: 8 FC Packet size: 34 000 000
0: SEAGATE ST118202FC FD90 Size=17GB (17783112 blocks)