1004 Configuring Data Center Bridging Features
console(config-if-Te1/0/2)#classofservice dot1p-mapping 0 0
console(config-if-Te1/0/2)#classofservice dot1p-mapping 1 0
console(config-if-Te1/0/2)#classofservice dot1p-mapping 2 0
console(config-if-Te1/0/2)#classofservice dot1p-mapping 3 1
console(config-if-Te1/0/2)#classofservice dot1p-mapping 4 2
console(config-if-Te1/0/2)#classofservice dot1p-mapping 5 3
console(config-if-Te1/0/2)#classofservice dot1p-mapping 6 3
console(config-if-Te1/0/2)#classofservice dot1p-mapping 7 3
To show dot1p priority for an interface, use the following command:
console#show classofservice dot1p-mapping tengigabitethernet 1/0/1
User Priority Traffic Class
------------- -------------
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 1
4 2
5 3
6 3
7 3
3. Configure Minimum Bandwidth on the CoS Queues (optional)
This step configures the minimum bandwidth guarantee for each CoS queue
when the switch is congested. If the switch is not congested, this setting has
no effect. The min-bandwidth setting guarantees that any particular CoS
queue is serviced often enough to ensure that the offered load can achieve the
minimum transfer rate. The bandwidth is measured internally as bytes
transferred per second. The minimum bandwidth setting is enforced on the
egress queue; it does not rate-limit incoming frames. The minimum
bandwidth setting is configured as a percentage of the total bandwidth and
must be less than or equal to 100%. It may be configured on a single interface,
a range of interfaces, or all interfaces.
The minimum bandwidth setting on the CoS queues comes in to play when
there is congestion among the CoS queues belonging to a single TCG. This is
an optional setting and is not generally required, as the secondary scheduler
has the capability of guaranteeing minimum bandwidth for a TCG. If this
value is set, the sum of the individual minimum bandwidths of the CoS
queues belonging to any TCG should be set to the same value as the
minimum bandwidth value of the TCG in the secondary scheduler, or no
minimum bandwidth value should be configured for the TCG.