Managing Images and Files 387
Data Type.............................. Code
Management access will be blocked for the duration
of the transfer
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) y
Copy the running-config to the USB flash drive.
console#copy running-config usb://rc_backup.scr
Mode............................. unknown
Data Type........................ Config Script
Source Filename.................. temp-config.scr
Management access will be blocked for the duration
of the transfer
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) y
Download the new image from the USB flash drive to the switch. The
image overwrites the image that is not currently active.
console#copy usb://new_image.stk image
Mode................................... unknown
Data Type.............................. Code
Management access will be blocked for the duration
of the transfer
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) y
To activate the new image after it has been successfully downloaded to the
switch, follow the procedures described in Upgrading the Firmware,
starting with step 5.