Configuring Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting 239
Default Configurations
Method Lists
The method lists shown in Table 10-7 are defined by default. They cannot be
deleted, but they can be modified. Using the “no” command on these lists
will return them to their default configuration.
Access Lines (AAA)
Table 10-8 shows the method lists assigned to the various access lines by
Table 10-7. Default Method Lists
AAA Service (type) List Name List Methods
Authentication (login) defaultList none
Authentication (login) networkList local
Authentication (enable) enableList enable none
Authentication (enable) enableNetList enable
Authorization (exec) dfltExecAuthList none
Authorization (commands) dfltCmdAuthList none
Accounting (exec) dfltExecList tacacs (start-stop)
Accounting (commands) dfltCmdList tacacs (stop-only)
Table 10-8. Default AAA Methods
AAA Service (type) Console Telnet SSH
defaultList networkList networkList
enableList enableNetList enableNetList
dfltExecAuthList dfltExecAuthList dfltExecAuthList
dfltCmdAuthList dfltCmdAuthList dfltCmdAuthList