248 Monitoring and Logging System Information
Default Log Settings
System logging is enabled, and messages are sent to the console (severity
level: warning and above), and RAM log (severity level: informational and
above). Switch auditing, CLI command logging, Web logging, and SNMP
logging are disabled. By default, no messages are sent to the log file that is
stored in flash, and no remote log servers are defined.
Email alerting is disabled, and no recipient email address is configured.
Additionally, no mail server is defined. If you add a mail server, by default, no
authentication or security protocols are configured, and the switch uses TCP
port 25 for SMTP.
After you enable email alerting and configure the mail server and recipient
email address, log messages with a severity level of emergency and alert are
sent immediately with each log message in a separate mail. The email subject
is “Urgent Log Messages.” Log messages with a severity level of critical, error,
and warning are sent periodically in a single email. The email subject is “Non
Urgent Log Messages.” Messages with a severity level of notice and below are
not sent in an email.