Table 5-4. Web User Interface Menus (continued)
Clean Drive
Advanced Diagnostics (for Service Personnel only)
View Logs
View Drive Logs
Save Drive Dump
Perform Diagnostics
Key Path Diagnostics (if feature is available)
Upgrade Firmware
Monitor Library Menu
The Monitor Library menu contains the following sub-menu items.
v “Monitor Library: Library Identity”
v “Monitor Library: Drive Identity” on page 5-31
v “Monitor Library: Library Status” on page 5-33
v “Monitor Library: Drive Status” on page 5-34
v “Monitor Library: Inventory” on page 5-37
Monitor Library: Library Identity
This page provides access to the static information about the library. No changes
can be made from this page. Table 5-5 lists all available elements on the Library
Identity page. An ″X″ indicates that the element displays for the specified library
Table 5-5. Library Identity page elements
Menu Item Description 2U 4U
Service Tag This is the unique identification number assigned by the manufacturer. X X
Product ID This is the SCSI inquiry string of the library X X
Installed Library
This is the current level of firmware installed on the library. For
information on updating your firmware, refer to “Service Library:
Upgrade Firmware” on page 5-54.
This is the level of bootcode firmware currently installed on the library.
Bootcode is the firmware that allows the library to begin initialization
when it is powered ON.
IP Address This is Internet Protocol Address assigned to your library. X X
MAC Address This is the machine’s access code assigned to your library. X X
WWide Node
This is the Worldwide Node Name assigned to your library. X X
Logical Library x
Library Mode
The Extended Logical Libraries Information table displays information
about the logical libraries currently assigned in your library. For each
logical library in your library, either Random or Sequential will be
5-30 Dell PowerVault TL2000 Tape Library and TL4000 Tape Library User's Guide