Using the ITDT Firmware Update, Dump Retrieval and Drive Test Tool
A newly designed tool, ITDT, has multiple functional capability and is a very
quick, convenient and efficient method for drive firmware updates. As a note,
drive dump retrievals can be performed by the tool as well.
Note: Before using ITDT, verify that your library host operating system is at the
latest released level. This will ensure optimum read/write operations for
Below are some of the capabilities of this tool:
v Firmware update capability via host interface to all LTO Tape Drive products.
v Does not require any special device drivers.
v Available for most major platforms (Windows, Linux
, NetWare).
v Capable of uploading drive dump files.
v Primary function is thoroughly testing a drive. However, if the library is online
to the server/host where the tool resides, ITDT will communicate with the drive
through the library to load and unload a test cartridge thereby exercising some
library functions.
v Scans the host interface and will find and display for selection all LTO devices.
v Each function has a ″Help″ selection which explains the required syntax as well
as a brief explanation of the particular function.
v A Readme text file will be posted with the .exe for a thorough explanation of
initial tool download information from the web as well as explanation of tool
To download the ITDT tool and instructions for using the tool, visit
Chapter 9. Service Procedures 9-5