Table C-1. Library Sense Keys, ASC and ASCQ (continued)
Sense Key ASC ASCQ Description
Illegal Request (05h) 1Ah 00h Parameter length error
20h 00h Invalid command operation code
21h 01h Invalid element address
24h 00h Invalid field CDB
3Dh 00h SCSI invalid ID message
25h 00h Invalid LUN
2Ch 00h Command sequence error
26h 00h Invalid field in parameter list
26h 01h Parameter list error: parameter not supported
26h 02h Parameter value invalid
26h 90h Wrong firmware image, does not fit boot code
26h 91h Wrong personality firmware image
26h 93h Wrong firmware image, checksum error
39h 00h Saving parameters not supported
3Bh 0Dh Medium destination element full
3Bh 0Eh Medium source element empty
3Bh 11h Medium magazine not accessible
3Bh 81h Cartridge of other partition
3Bh A0h Medium transfer element full
53h 02h Library media removal prevented state set
53h 03h Drive media removal prevented state set
44h 80h Bad status library controller
44h 81h Source not ready
44h 82h Destination not ready
44h 83h Cannot make reservation
44h 84h Wrong drive type
44h 85h Invalid slave robotic controller request
44h 86h Accessor not initialized
Unit Attention (06h) 28h 00h Not ready to ready transition
28h 01h Import/export element accessed
29h 01h Power on occurred
29h 02h SCSI Bus reset occurred
29h 05h Bus type changed to Single Ended (SE)
29h 06h Bus type changed to Low Voltage Differential (LVD)
2Ah 01h Mode parameters changed
2Ah 10h Time stamp changed
3Bh 13h Medium magazine inserted
3Fh 01h Microcode has changed
53h 02h Media removal prevented
Appendix C. Sense Data C-5