xStackĀ® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate
parameters) in the following table:
enable stp
disable stp
config stp version [mstp | rstp | stp]
config stp {maxage <value 6-40> | maxhops <value 6-40> | hellotime <value 1-2> | forwarddelay
<value 4-30>| txholdcount <value 1-10> | fbpdu [enable | disable] } (1)
config stp ports <portlist> {externalCost [auto | <value 1-200000000>] | hellotime <value 1-2> | migrate [yes
| no] |edge [true | false | auto] | restricted_role [true | false] | restricted_tcn [true | false] | p2p
[true | false | auto] |state [enable | disable] | fbpdu [enable | disable]} (1)
create stp instance_id <value 1-8>
config stp instance _id <value 1-8> [add_vlan | remove_vlan] <vidlist>
delete stp instance_id <value 1-8>
config stp priority <value 0-61440> instance_id <value 0-8>
config stp
{revision_level <int 0-65535> | name <string>} (1)
config stp mst_ports <portlist> instance_id <value 0-8> {internalCost [auto |<value 1-200000000>] | priority
<value 0-240>} (1)
show stp
show stp ports {<portlist>} {instance <value 0-8>}
show stp instance {<value 0-8>}
show stp mst_config id
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections: