xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
config erps rpl
Used to define the RPL port or the RPL owner status for a specific R-APS VLAN.
config erps raps_vlan <vlanid> [ rpl_port [west | east | none] | rpl_owner [enable |
disable] ]
This command is used to configure the RPL port and the RPL owner in an R-APS
VLAN. Use rpl_port to define the west or east port as an RPL port. To remove the
RPL port status, use rpl_port none to indicate that neither the west or east port are
RPL ports.
Use rpl_owner to designate the node as the RPL owner. RPL owner status can be
enabled or disabled.
ERPS must first be globally disabled to modify the RPL owner or RPL port
raps_vlan <vlanid> - Designates the VLAN identified by the vlanid as the R-APS
VLAN where the node is being configured.
port – Define the west or east port as an RPL port; or remove RPL status from the
node by specifying none.
Default setting, the node does not have an RPL port.
rpl_owner - Used to determine RPL owner status.
enable - Designates the device as an RPL owner node.
disable - This node is not an RPL owner.
By default, the RPS owner is disabled.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To define RPL owner status for the west port of R-APS VLAN 4094:
DES-3200-28F:4# config erps raps_vlan 4094 rpl port west owner enable
Command: config erps raps_vlan 4094 rpl port west owner enable