xStackĀ® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
config ethernet_oam ports (link monitor error frame period)
Used to configure Ethernet OAM link monitoring error frame period for ports.
config ethernet_oam ports [<portlist> | all ] link_monitor error_frame_period
{ threshold <number> | window <number 14881- 89286000 > | notify_state [ enable | disable ] }
The command used to configure ports Ethernet OAM link monitoring error frame period.
Link monitoring function provides a mechanism to detect and indicate link faults under a variety
of conditions. OAM monitors the statistics on the number of frame errors as well as the number
of coding symbol errors. When the number of error frames is equal to or greater than the
specified threshold in a period and the event notification state is enabled, it generates an error
frame period event to notify the remote OAM peer.
<portlist> - Specifies a range of ports to be configured. Use all to specify all ports.
threshold - Specify the number of error frames in the period that must be equal to or greater
than in order for the event to be generated. The default value of threshold is 1 error frame.
window - Specify the period of error frame period event. The period is specified by a number of
received frames. The following rules apply:
The default value is the number of 64-byte frames that can be received in one second on the
underlying physical layer. The lower bound is the number of 64-byte frames that can be received
in 100 ms on the underlying physical layer.
The upper bound is the number of 64-byte frames that can be received in one minute on the
underlying physical layer.
The range for this setting is 14881 to 89286000.
The default value for FE ports is 148810 and for GE ports it is 1488100.
notify_state - Specify to enable or disable the event notification. The default state is enable.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the error frame threshold to 10 and period to 100000 for port 1:
28F:4# config ethernet_oam ports 1 link_monitor error_frame_period threshold 10 window
100000 notify_state enable
Commands: config ethernet_oam ports 1 link_monitor error_frame_
period threshold 10 window
100000 notify_state enable