xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
config ssh algorithm
Used to configure the SSH algorithm.
config ssh algorithm [3DES | AES128 | AES192 | AES256 | arcfour |
blowfish | cast128 | twofish128 | twofish192 | twofish256 | MD5 | SHA1
| RSA | DSA] [enable | disable]
This command is used to configure the desired type of SSH algorithm
used for authentication encryption.
3DES – This parameter will enable or disable the Triple_Data
Encryption Standard encryption algorithm.
AES128 − This parameter will enable or disable the Advanced
Encryption Standard AES128 encryption algorithm.
AES192 − This parameter will enable or disable the Advanced
Encryption Standard AES192 encryption algorithm.
AES256 − This parameter will enable or disable the Advanced
Encryption Standard AES256 encryption algorithm.
arcfour − This parameter will enable or disable the Arcfour encryption
blowfish − This parameter will enable or disable the Blowfish
encryption algorithm.
cast128 − This parameter will enable or disable the Cast128
encryption algorithm.
twofish128 − This parameter will enable or disable the twofish128
encryption algorithm.
twofish192 − This parameter will enable or disable the twofish192
encryption algorithm.
MD5 − This parameter will enable or disable the MD5 Message Digest
encryption algorithm.
SHA1 − This parameter will enable or disable the Secure Hash
Algorithm encryption.
RSA − This parameter will enable or disable the RSA encryption
DSA − This parameter will enable or disable the Digital Signature
Algorithm encryption.
[enable | disable] – This allows the user to enable or disable
algorithms entered in this command, on the Switch.
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Usage example:
To configure SSH algorithm:
DES-3200-28:4# config ssh algorithm blowfish enable
Command: config ssh algorithm blowfish enable
show ssh algorithm
Used to display the SSH algorithm setting.
show ssh algorithm
This command will display the current SSH algorithm setting status.