ICM/ICAD Motorized Valve Installation, Programming, and Troubleshooting
10 DKRCI.EI.HT0.A1.22 / 520H1639 ¢ Danfoss (USCO / MKS), 11- 2006
The Manual Tool
The manual tool should always be ordered with any ICM/ICAD assembly. This tool gives the
user the ability to remove the ICAD actuator and manually rotate the valve in the open or
close direction depending on need and application. When using the manual tool, a clock-
wise rotation will open the valve and a counter-clockwise rotation will close the valve.
It is very important to remember that when rotating the valve manually you are changing
the position from that in the actuator’s memory. If power is removed from the actuator prior
to using the manual tool, no problem will occur because, once the ICAD is powered up again,
it will automatically recalibrate to the fully closed position before returning to the position in
memory to which the control signal last set the valve. This recalibration will not occur if
power is not removed from the ICAD prior to using the manual tool, and erroneous operation
will likely occur. Always remove power before using the manual tool, and restore power
afterward to ensure recalibration and trouble-free operation.
The user will be able to troubleshoot and determine many of the conditions and set points
within the ICAD by accessing the Service Menu. A list of those service parameters follows
It is also possible to restore the original factory settings to the ICAD by the following
To restore factory settings:
Remove the power supply.
2. Activate down arrow and up arrow push buttons at the same time.
3. While holding the up and down arrow reconnect the power supply.
4. Release down arrow and up arrow push buttons.
5. When the display on ICAD is alternating between showing:
CA and A1 the fac
resetting is complete.
Service Menu
Min. Max. Unit Comments
OD % ¡50 0 100 % ICM valve Opening Degree
AI [mA] ¡51 0 2
0 mA Analog Input signal
AI [V] ¡52 0 10 V Analog Input signal
AO [mA] ¡53 0 2
0 mA Analog Output signal
DI ¡54 0 1 - Digital Input signal
DO Close ¡55 0 1 - Digital Output Closed status. ON when OD < 3 %
DO Open ¡56 0 1 - Digital Output Open status. ON when OD > 97 %
DO Alarm ¡57 0 1 - Digital Output alarm status. ON when an alarm is detected
¡58 0 100 - Software version for MASTER Microprocessor
SLA mP SW ver. ¡59 0 100 - Software version for SLAVE Microprocessor
Service Parameters