C) The command shaft bearing (435) is a press
fi t on the command shaft (413). Remove the
command shaft bearing with a suitable press.
D) Remove the O-ring seal (445) from the com-
mand shaft housing. The command shaft bush-
ing (433 and 436) might have to be removed to
gain access to o-rings. Replace bushing if the
bore is deeply scored or excessively worn.
A) Install new O-ring seal in housing and lubricate
the O-ring with clean compressor oil. A vent
hole is provided in the command shaft bearing
housing to allow any refrigerant and oil that may
leak past the O-ring seal to vent to atmosphere
and not into the slide valve motor housing.
Install snap ring retainer and washer on the
command shaft.
B) Remove any burrs from the command shaft to
prevent damage to the O-ring when assembling.
Press the command shaft bearing onto the
command shaft. Insert the command shaft into
the housing applying pressure on outer race of
bearing. Make sure the bearing is fully seated
in the command shaft housing. Install the snap
ring retainer in the command shaft housing.
C) Install command shaft assembly.
Reference “Parts
Section” for current
A) Remove both control actuators and command
shaft assemblies.
B) On VSS 451-3001 compressors, remove the dis-
charge spool between the manifold and separator.
Remove one bolt from each side of the discharge
manifold and install (2) guide rods approximately
6” long, to support the manifold. Remove the
remaining bolts (note length and location of bolts)
and take off the discharge manifold.
Note: Mainfold has dowel pins to locate it on the
compressor housing. Therefore, remove manifold
straight back approximately 1” as not to break
dowel pins.
When removing the discharge manifold on VSM 301-701
compressor the compressor must be properly supported
to keep the compressor from moving when the manifold
is removed.
C) On VSM 301-701 compressors unbolt the dis-
charge fl ange from the discharge manifold.
D) Remove one bolt from each side of the discharge
manifold and install (2) guide rods approximately
6” long, to support the manifold. Remove the
remaining bolts (note length and location of bolts)
and take off the discharge manifold.