Rigging and Lifting
Training curriculum for Participants, at a minimum, should include:
• A review of safe operating practices;
• A review of who each person is and their specifi c role in the lift;
• A tutorial on how to read lift charts;
• A demonstration on how to use and inspect rigging hardware;
• A review of the company’s general lift plans and procedures;
• A tutorial on hand signals normally used to communicate with crane operators (a copy of such hand signals
may be obtained from machine safety vendors); and
• A review of the Compressor’s specifi c rig and lift plan (the “Plan”) (developed by the Lift Coordinator and Lift
Engineer); please see the section immediately below entitled “Create and Communicate the Plan.”
Individuals participating in the lift should fully understand the scientifi c principles pursuant to which a successful
lift is dependent—for example, center of gravity, equilibrium, and mechanics of load stabilization, critical angle
considerations and force.
All Participants should undergo a fi tness-for-duty program, including drug testing and medical examinations.
Create and Communicate the Plan
Well in advance of the planned lift date, lift planning meetings and hazard assessment meetings should be held
with all Participants in attendance. In addition, the Plan should be fi nalized and distributed for review and com-
The Plan should clearly defi ne requirements, expectations and specifi cations for lifting the Compressor. At a mini-
mum, the Plan should include:
• Standard lifting and rigging procedures in place at the lift site (including proper classifi cation of the lift as a
“critical lift” a “serious lift” or a “standard lift”);
• Drawings of the Compressor;
• A description of the lifting task;
• An evaluation of the hazards;
• The rigging plan and sketches of rigging to be attached to the Compressor;
• The roles and responsibilities of all Participants;
• An emergency plan; and
• The contact information of the Plan preparer
It is important to confi rm that each Participant understands both the broader Plan and their specifi c responsibilities
during the lift. Participants should be encouraged to contact the Plan preparer at any time if they have questions.
In addition, the Plan preparer should be on-site during the lift to ensure that the lift is being executed in accor-
dance with the Plan. Finally, well in advance of the lift date, it should be confi rmed that all necessary permits have
been obtained.
Inspect and Use the Appropriate Lifting Equipment
Verify Crane Operator and Crane Owner Credentials
Prior to rigging and lifting the Compressor, certain precautions should be taken with regards to the crane, the
crane operator and the crane owner.
• The lift capacity of the crane must exceed the Compressor’s weight;
• Confi rm that the crane operator is qualifi ed to work on the site;