
Viewing Your Electronic
You always have easy access to your electronic manuals. If Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0
is installed on your computer, you can open any of the Acrobat files in the Manuals
folder on your EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools CD-ROM. Just open the
folder for the manual you want to view, then double-click the file (Acrobat files always
have a pdf extension).
Your EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools CD-ROM includes the following
electronic manuals:
EPSON Expression 836XL User’s Guide
EPSON TWAIN Pro User’s Guide
ISIS Driver User’s Guide
MonacoSCAN User’s Guide
(Monaco.pdf, included only with the standard version
of the scanner)
If you have the standard version of the scanner, you’ll find Acrobat files for electronic
manuals on your LaserSoft SilverFast 4.0 CD-ROM and Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE
CD-ROM. You can also open these manuals by double-clicking the Acrobat file.
For some guidelines on viewing your electronic manuals using Adobe Acrobat Reader,
see “Navigating a Manual” on page 44.
To view your electronic manuals, you must install Adobe
Acrobat Reader 4.0, if you don’t already have it on your system.