
With a utility as powerful and as fast as XTREE, you must
always be aware of the danger of accidentally erasing important
files. Follow these guidelines to protect your files:
You can cancel commands, even commands in progress, by
pressing F3. This stops any function.
Use Ctrl A (the attributes command) to give read-only
status to all the files in the directories. Then, in order to
erase a file, you must first remove its protection. (See your
MS-DOS Reference Manual for details about the ATTRIB
XTREE is limited in the number of files and directories it
can handle. If you have more than 2800 files or 180
directories, XTREE displays an error message. If you see this
error message, exit XTREE and store your infrequently used
files on diskettes, or reorganize and delete some directories.
If you use XTREE when you have more files or directories
than it can handle, you may accidentally erase or alter files.
XTREE offers too many commands to demonstrate all the
various combinations in this introduction; just remember that
everything you can do is shown on the screen display. See your
MS-DOS Reference Manual for a complete description of
Using an AUTOEXEC.BAT File
You may find that there are some commands you want to run
every time you turn on your computer. To run a command or a
series of commands automatically upon startup, you can type
the commands in a special file called AUTOEXEC.BAT.
When you load MS-DOS, it always looks for this file. If
MS-DOS finds an AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the root directory,
it executes the commands in that file.
Using MS-DOS With Your Computer