5. Secure the retaining bracket to the frame of the computer
with the small screw.
Jumper Settings
Some optional devices require different jumper settings inside
the computer. In this case, it is best if your dealer installs the
option and makes all the necessary adjustments when you buy
it. If you decide to do it yourself, be very careful when you
follow the procedures below. There are many system
components that can be damaged accidentally.
The jumpers you may need to change are on the Main circuit
board, Memory card, and Multi-function card (parallel port,
serial port, and floppy disk controller). The location of these
cards is shown below.
The jumpers on these cards are preset at the factory in
default positions. Do not change any of them unless you are
sure the option card you are installing requires different
settings. If you have any questions, ask your Epson Customer
Care Center service representative.
Installing Option Cards