You can change the speed while the computer is on, but do
not change it while you are running a program. Complete
your current operation, exit the program to the MS-DOS
command prompt, and then change the speed.
Special Keys on the Apex Keyboard
Certain keys on your keyboard serve special functions when
your computer is running application programs. The
illustration below shows the Apex keyboard, and the table that
follows describes the special keys.
Perform special functions within application
programs. (Some keys also function with
MS-DOS. See your MS-DOS Reference Manual
for more information.)
Moves the cursor one tab to the right in normal
mode (and one tab to the left in shift mode when
using some application programs).
Works with other keys to perform special (control)
functions, such as editing operations.
Produces uppercase characters or the top
symbols on the keys when used with the main
character keys. Produces lowercase characters
when Caps Lock is on.