Use this same procedure if you need to change the setting
for a second hard disk drive installed in your computer
(drive D).
When all the disk drive settings are correct, highlight
** SAVE SETTINGS ** and press Enter.
Setting the Real-time Clock
The real-time clock in your computer keeps track of the time
and date at all times-even when the computer is turned off.
Use the Real-time clock option to set the time and
date for your computer after you set it up. You may need to use
it again later to adjust the time for daylight savings time. The
computer automatically changes the date for leap years.
Another way to change the real-time clock's time and date
is with the MS-DOS (version 3.3 or later) TIME and DATE
commands. See your MS-DOS Reference Manual for
Follow these steps to set the real-time clock:
1. Highlight Real-time clock and press Enter. You
see the current setting for the time and date:
17: 10: 54 Time
03 - 21 - 1989 Date
To change the time, highlight Time and press Enter.
This box appears:
hh : mm : ss