
Connect all of your peripheral devices.
10. Install your operating system and any other application
programs. See the manuals that came with your software
for installation instructions.
Installing Optional Equipment
The first time you set up your computer, you should install any
disk drives, math coprocessor, memory modules, or EISA
option cards you plan to use. Do not install any ISA option
cards yet, unless you will be installing an ISA video adapter
card to control your monitor.
You can install the rest of your ISA cards after you run the
System Configuration program. This program provides
information about the jumper and switch settings for the ISA
option cards you will install.
Follow the instructions in Chapters 5 and 6 to install optional
equipment in your computer. Be sure to check your computer’s
option slot power limits on page 5-4 before you install any
option cards.
You may need to unlock the computer’s cover to access the
internal components. See Chapter 3 for instructions.
When you are finished installing optional equipment, return to
this chapter for guidelines on connecting the peripheral devices
necessary to run the System Configuration program.
1-4 Setting Up Your System