Locate one of the power supply cables (labelled Pl through
P5) in the clasps on the left side of the subassembly. (You
can use any one that is available.) Align the notched corners
on the cable connector and the socket on the back of the
drive, as shown below. Then push in the connector.
Locate the appropriate drive cable for the drive. If you
installed a diskette or tape drive, go to step 10. If you
installed a hard disk drive, go to step 12.
If you are installing a non-Epson drive, see the manual
that came with it for instructions on connecting the drive
10. If you are connecting diskette drive A, use the connector
labelled FDDl on the end of the diskette drive cable. If you
are connecting diskette drive B, use the middle cable
connector labelled FDD2. If you are connecting a tape drive,
use the cable connector labelled TAPE DRIVE ONLY.
Installing and Removing Drives